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clamshell (split-frame) OD mount machine

design is a unique combination of safety, reliability, ease of use, rigidity, and precision. The DEFENDER™ with the patent-pending ‘Hands-Free’ remote control and protection system, creates a much safer work environment for onsite machinists across the globe.
With twenty-three options to choose from the clamshell, OD mount machine can cover a wider range of applications to meet the demands of your specific project.


Working Range 1 – 42 in. (25.4 – 1066.8 mm)
Slide Swing 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, & 10 in. (25.4, 50.8, 76.2, 101.6, 177.8, & 254 mm)
Power Pneumatic, electric, or hydraulic
Model: BFC
Working Range 34 – 86 in. (863.6 – 2184.4 mm)
Slide Swing 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, & 10 in. (25.4, 50.8, 76.2, 101.6, 177.8, & 254 mm)
Power Pneumatic, electric, or hydraulic

Product Advantages

Patented outboard drive motor bearing provides rigid and precise support of the motor shaft – increasing the life of the motor and gears and allowing for quick work of light-wall tubing while providing enough torque for heavy-wall alloy tubes. Patented pocket-style motor mount eliminates motor twisting and ring gear damage, increasing reliability and reducing the total cost of ownership.
Conventional motors are used on the front-drive adapters, eliminating the need for a second motor.
An air caddy assembly is included with all pneumatic machine packages to extend the life of the motor by keeping it lubricated and free of water.
Aluminum Body is rigid and easy to handle, providing the highest strength-to-weight ratio in the industry.
Part interchangeability across all models i reduces the amount of parts inventory required allowing the operator to swapping from one machine to another in the field, lowering your overall investment and the items that need to be stored or available onsite to your operators.
The patented split bearing design provides a quick and accurate setup. The rigid aluminum body users can size down at least 8” with extension pads for all AFC models and 14” for all BFC models giving the user the unrivaled ability to tackle more applications with one machine.
The patent-pending Defender Kit™ Flow Control System allows users to control the speed remotely, giving them the ability to slow down for heavy-wall cuts or more precise cutting after machining weld overlay, or speeding up for harder materials with carbide tooling.
Universal components – the counterbore head, tool slide, axial feed slide, and flange facing attachments are plug and play on all AFC & BFC split-frame machines.
No Single Point slide is needed, for heavy wall. The Split-Frame machines can cut a 4-inch wall without changing the standard cutting setup. Operators only need to change the tooling to a compound bevel and straight severs.
Stackable extension pads allow for greater versatility of range on all wall thicknesses. The ¾ inch (19 mm) locator pad adjustment, minimizes the number of extension pads needed to cover the working range. With the H&S TOOL Split-Frame machines, there is no need to buy or rent different extension pads or feet to hold an aggressive cut.
Tool Slides ruggedly built for strength and durability. Four cap screws are all that is required, to securely mount the slides. This dramatically speeds and eases tool slide mounting and locating. Standard sizes are 1″, 2″, 3″, 4″, 7″ and 10″. Other sizes are available. Out-of-round and axial-feed tool slides are also available.
Motor Adapters are available to mount the motor out the front or at a right angle to the frame for work in congested areas. The patent-pending H&S TOOL motor adapters eliminate the need for additional motors and conversion components.
Counterbore heads with fixed or swivel head design allows for precise counterbores. These are also mounted directly on tool holders or a crossbar attachment to accurately refinish flanges from 4″ to 86″ O.D. (101.6 to 2184.4 mm) with surface finishes from 63 to 500 RMS.
The patent-pending Defender Kit™ includes a pneumatic conditioning unit with a low-pressure safety interlock system preventing unintended re-starts after the loss of supplied air pressure and E-stop for quick stops & controlled re-starts.
Designed with user safety in mind, the remote auto-feed system keeps operators’ hands safe from moving parts and keeps the job running smoothly.
The Shark Fin™ and Defender ring guards mount cle

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